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The use of this web site (“WLP web site”) is subject to the following terms and conditions. PLEASE, READ THESE TERMS OF USE CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS SITE.

All information, materials, videos and other content (collectively “content”) contained on the site of the WLP S.r.l. Company (“WLP”) are our copyrighted property or the copyrighted property of third parties. The content of this web site is for your general information and use only. Unless otherwise specified, you may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish or license any content obtained from the WLP site.

You may print the content of this web site for your personal and non-commercial use, provided that the copyright notice appears in all copies.

WLP reserves the right to update the content of this web site at any time and without notice.

All multimedia applications made available to download from the WLP site are our copyrighted property or the copyrighted property of third parties. Unless otherwise specified, they are for your personal and non-commercial use only. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish or license any multimedia application obtained from the WLP site.

The linked sites are not under the control of WLP and WLP is not responsible for the content of any linked site or any changes or updates to such sites. WLP is providing these links to you only as a convenience and the inclusion of any link does not imply the endorsement of the site by WLP.

All services, documents and data (collectively “documents”) are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind. WLP hereby disclaims all warranties and conditions, including all warranties and conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, whether express, implied or statutory. WLP is not liable for any special, indirect or consequential damage or any damage resulting from the use of the WLP site:

  1. WLP is not liable for any special, indirect or consequential damage, whether resulting from an action of contract or an action of negligence.
  2. WLP does not provide any warranty or guarantee to the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness or suitability of the information and content found or offered on this web site.
  3. The use of any information and content found on this web site is entirely at your own risk, for which WLP shall not be liable. It shall be your own responsibility to ensure that any products, services or information available through the site meet your specific requirements.

WLP does not provide any warranty or guarantee to the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness or suitability of the information and content found or offered on this web site for any particular purpose. Such information and content may contain inaccuracies or errors, which could not be periodically improved or changed. “WLP” refers to WLP S.r.l., its subsidiary and affiliated entities, its parent company, its employees as well as its providers.

Under no circumstances, including negligence, shall WLP be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damage or lost of profits due either to the use of information and content found on our web site or to the use of the Internet in general.

“WLP” refers to WLP S.r.l., its subsidiary and affiliated entities, its parent company, its employees as well as its providers.

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